Dancing in WestQuay
As part of a Dementia Awareness Day on Thursday lunchtime FolkActive will be hosting a short dance session with live music in West Quay Shopping Centre. The session will be free and open to everyone, and it would be lovely to see a few familiar faces if you’re able to come along.
WestQuay Shopping Centre, Southampton
Thursday 19th May 2016 1.15 – 1.45 pm
Other activities taking place during the day between 10am and 4pm:
- The Alzheimer’s Society popular and lively ‘Singing for the Brain’ group between 2pm – 3.30pm.
- Pot a plant and find out how to join a gardening club at Mayfield Nurseries.
- Create a memory with Saints Foundation photo booth.
- Reminiscing with local history materials.
- Learn about local research into dementia from the MARC (memory assessment and research centre).
- A Dementia Friend awareness session between 12pm and 1pm. During this friendly and interactive session you will increase your understanding of dementia, and think about the small things that you can do to make a difference to people affected by dementia in your community.
- Information on the range of services available in the city that support the quality of life for people and carers who are living with dementia.
Dancing really does keep you young
A study featured on the recent BBC TV programme How to Stay Young has again shown that dancing holds back aging better than any other exercise. As well as exercising your body it uses your brain and puts you in contact with other people. Or, in the words of the academic paper, “dancing evokes widespread positive effects”.An earlier study found that dancing was the only physical activity associated with a reduced risk of developing dementia.You don’t stop dancing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop dancing!